Decentralized smart vision solution

Independent decisions and actions in real-time are the core competencies of Corsight. The integrated smart vision solution comes with matrix and line scan image sensors.

Users can freely combine the resources of the Intel Quad Core CPU and the FPGA for hardware acceleration. This means that machines can achieve the fastest cycle times with real-time image processing. Available potential is tapped to its full extent.

Corsight offers the NET Open Camera Concept for the customer-specific configuration of the software solution. The customer’s trusted vision expertise in the form of IP cores and image processing software can be easily integrated into Corsight. Drivers for various license-free, licensable and proprietary libraries are available. The NET library also contains innovative algorithms for image enhancement and optimization.


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We also offer a wide range of interface options for integrating the IP67-certified smart vision solution. There are no limits to your creativity when it comes to integrating and controlling Corsight: this can be by remote access via WLAN or Bluetooth, synchronization with other devices (PLC), as the host system of a multi-camera system for GigE vision cameras or, optionally, even as a GigE vision camera. Corsight opens up new possibilities for your application!

For application examples, tutorials and further information visit Best Practice.

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Corsight- Decentralized smart vision solution

Smart line scan vision solution

With Corsight, users can enjoy the benefits of a line scan camera along with the capabilities of a unique smart vision solution.

Powerful and fast

Corsight enables real-time image processing of high-speed images for the most demanding applications.

Customizable image processing

Users are free to choose which software they want to use to solve their application in a decentralized manner. Custom vision know-how can be integrated directly into Corsight.

Rugged IP67 housing

The IP67-certified smart vision solution is designed for industrial use in every regard: mounts, housing and connectors.

Open to various libraries

Drivers for various license-free, licensable and proprietary libraries are available. The NET Library contains innovative algorithms for image optimization.


You decide how Corsight is integrated and controlled in the application: via remote access, synchronized (PLC), as a host system of a multi-camera system, or even as a GigE Vision camera.

CORSIGHT - Models and technical data

Model Sensor type Image sensor Resolution [px] Size Shutter Frame rate [fps] Line scan Rate [kHz]
COL6270M2 Monochrome ams Dragster
2048 --- G --- 66 more
CO7109M3 Monochrome Luxima 1310
1280 x 1024 / SXGA 2/3" G 1000 --- more
CO4206M2 Monochrome Teledyne EV76C570
1600 x 1200 / UXGA 1/1.8" GRGR 50 --- more
CO4206C2 Color Teledyne EV76C570
1600 x 1200 / UXGA 1/1.8" GRGR 50 --- more
CO2511M3 Monochrome Sony IMX264
2448 x 2048 / WUXGA 2/3" G 35 --- more
CO2511C3 Color Sony IMX264
2448 x 2048 / WUXGA 2/3" G 35 --- more
CO2504M3 Monochrome Sony IMX250
2448 x 2048 / WUXGA 2/3" G 163 --- more
CO2504C3 Color Sony IMX250
2448 x 2048 / WUXGA 2/3" G 163 --- more
CO2312M3 Monochrome Sony IMX265
2048 x 1536 / WUXGA 1/1.8" G 55 --- more
CO2312C3 Color Sony IMX265
2048 x 1536 / WUXGA 1/1.8" G 55 --- more
CO2305M3 Monochrome Sony IMX252
2048 x 1536 / WUXGA 1/1.8" G 216 --- more
CO2305C3 Color Sony IMX252
2048 x 1536 / WUXGA 1/1.8" G 216 --- more
CO2239M2 Monochrome Sony IMX174
1920 x 1200 / WUXGA 1/1.2" G 60 --- more
CO2239C2 Color Sony IMX174
1920 x 1200 / WUXGA 1/1.2" G 60 --- more
Legend: R: rolling / G: global / GR: global reset / RGR: rolling; global reset / GRGR: global; rolling; global reset


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